Postpartum Specialty Care
In-home postpartum services for women and families.
The postpartum journey is often one we travel alone and those first few weeks can be incredibly isolating. It's also one of the most important and much of the time care for most women ends abruptly when they leave the hospital or birth center. In a recent article published by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists the recommendation has been shifted to seeing women at 3 weeks postpartum rather than 6 weeks and including care availability until 12 weeks. While this is a step in the right direction, it is not enough, especially for first-time mothers trying to navigate newborn health, self care and establish a breastfeeding relationship.
In-home postpartum care includes:
-Visits with the midwife in your home to discuss and assess well-being. This is the same care that my home birth clients receive. Visits usually last 1.5 - 2 hours and we cover clinical assessment of mother and baby and well as emotional adjustment. Timing for visits are based on individual needs and clinical assessments.
-Physiological assessment of mother and baby include taking and recording vitals signs in an electronic health record that you have access to and can be easily shared for referrals as needed. Maternal assessment includes, blood pressure, pulse, checking fundal height, bleeding, and suture inspection if needed. Infant care includes assessment of respiratory and cardiac function, umbilical cord inspection, discussion and education about infant diaper habits.
-Breastfeeding support includes assessment of latch, breast and nipple comfort. Education on normal feeding habits and education about normal newborn peeing and pooping.
-Emotional assessment and support, on-call availability and access to resources.
Cost: $175 per visit (includes mother and newborn care)
Packages available.
Visits can be scheduled anytime, but usually take place on:
Day 3
1 week
Day 10
2 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks